Family Halloween Costumes: The Wizard of Oz

Overstuffed Life Family Productions presents

The Wizard of Oz Family Themed Halloween Costumes

(or Wicked, if that’s what you prefer)

The cast of characters, in the order they happened to be photographed by mom.

Dorothy (played by middle daughter)

The Good Witch of the North, aka Galinda, aka Glinda the Good (played by oldest daughter)

The Cowardly Lion (played by youngest daughter)

The Scarecrow, aka Fiyero (played by dad)

The Wicked Witch of the West, aka Elphaba (played by mom)

Costumed by Lara, who is rather impressed with herself.

We all had oodles of fun, and oodles of candy.

Hope your Halloween was all it’s cracked up to be!

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You guys look fantastic! You did a great job. Be proud, be very proud. Happy Halloween.


So fun! Great photos!


Lara these are awesome. You did such a fabulous job. I noticed how great every detail was. You should feel very proud of yourself.

Kim Skinner

looks like a very “wicked” halloween. good job on the costumes.


You should be impressed with your work!

I am not a big costume dresser upper, last minute I wished I had done costumes for mike and I. . . Woody and Jesse in mind!


You are so talented. I love all of the costumes. WOW!!! Happy Halloween.


DID YOU EAT CANDY? If so, bad you — if not, I’m proud of you. I must admit it helps when you feel VERY nauseated after you eat a peice. It kept me steering clear of stealing from my children this year.
The costumes are AMAZING? Don’t you feel an amazing sense of pride and the ingratitude of your children? 🙂 You are da’ bomb. Will this be your Christmas card this year?


You SHOULD be pleased with yourself! Everyone looks fantastic. Nice work!

Kristina P.

You all look AWESOME! The lion is my favorite.


Man, that was a lot of work the day before a baptism! But it was worth it because you all look so awesome. I’m glad you all had a good time, and good luck today too!


You all looked great! Great pictures too!


I am uber impressed! I knew you guys would look great, but I had no idea you’d look that great!!! Awesome! I was going to be a stick figure for Halloween this year, but then I decided to just go casual and be myself! 🙂


AmAzInG! Me & the boys have been scrolling through the pics together & they think Uncle Joey is sooo funny! (spot on Joel)

I must say, seeing Bria with that pretty makeup on makes me a little nervous for her future. (gorgeous)

Happy Baptism Day!


Way to go love the costumes. Great pictures too.


AWESOME! I love your costumes!


You guys look great! Good job on the costumes!!!


Wow! You did an excellent job on the costumes. I’m glad you had a great Halloween. Hope Bria’s baptism day is extra special!


You all look so cute!! The costumes turned out great!! Good job!!!

That Girl


Luuuuurve ’em.


Wow! I knew they would turn out great, but I had no idea! You guys look awsome! Great job mom!


Lara- way too cute! I love all of it and the costumes. They had a Wizard of Oz family on Rachael Ray or something yesterday and your family costumes are SO much cuter and better!! You all look so professional 😉 love it!

Life in the circus

Wonderful! You are a very impressive lady Lara. You all look great! Im glad you were able to find stuff for Joel’s costume. Its perfect!


YAY…you finished the costumes! I am officially impressed:o)


Lara I can hardly believe how much your girls have grown. They are absolutely beautiful … and I’m not just saying that! Time passes way too quickly. We love your sweet family! 🙂



Those costumes are AWESOME!!! Good Job!!! Your family is adorable!

Happy Halloween!!!


I love, love, love your costmes–all of you!


Wow! You all look amazing! And you, Ms. Lara, look fabulous as the witch! Kudos to you on whipping up an unforgettable Halloween with your own hands!

As for me, ugh. Halloween not so good. Our few trick-or-treaters consisted of a handful of mostly way-too-old, sullen teenagers, and the pumpkin I carved (see blog) got stolen right off of our front porch. Cranky it made us, and violated we felt. But we got the last laugh: we gave out boxes of raisins! Mwa ha ha ha ha! (Evil witch cackle!)


Those are some awesome costumes!


Lara, very cute and creative. Do you do new costumes every year? I make my kids use theirs at least 2 years in a row. Love the pictures!


OH MY GOSH! You guys look AMAZING! It’s worth every dish that didn’t get cleaned and pile of laundry that didn’t get washed. You look great!