General Conference Cinnamon rolls

Every General Conference my mom makes cinnamon rolls. I finally started honoring the family tradition and doing it myself this past October conference.

I won’t be making them today because I still have to go down to Tuacahn and teach, but I’ll do it tomorrow morning and I can hardly wait! (Even if I can’t eat any, I love the smell….)

General Conference Cinnamon Rolls

Here is the recipe (from my chicken scratch after getting it from my mom over the phone…hope you can follow it okay if you want to make these):

Bowl 1:

  • 2 Cups butter, melted
  • 3/4 Cup sugar
  • 3 tsp salt
  • 1 Cup hot water


  • mix together

Bowl 2:

  • 3 Tbsp yeast
  • 1 Cup lukewarm water


  • Sprinkle yeast over water and let sit until it bubbles up over the side.

Bowl 1:

  • Add 2/3 Cups of yeast in Bowl 2 to the mixture.

Bowl 3:

  • Beat 5 eggs
  • Add 1 Cup cold water

Bowl 1:

  • Add 2 Cups flour
  • Add egg mixture from Bowl 3


  • Add more flour 1/2 Cup at a time until you have sticky dough

Bowl 4:

  • Lightly grease bowl and add dough.
  • Cover and let rise until it doubles.
  • Punch down and rise again until double.
  • Flour counter and divide dough in half and roll out.
  • Pour melted butter over the rolled out dough, then add cinnamon and sugar mixture to your liking.
  • Roll up, and use thread or unflavored dental floss to cut into rolls.
  • Line up on cookie sheet and let rise.
  • Bake at 350 for 15 minutes, frost with cream cheese frosting.

Lessons I Learned from General Conference Cinnamon Rolls

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Wish I could have some too, oh well. That is life. Have a great day.


Yum! Cinnamon rolls for conference sounds so delightful!


Funny, I got up early to make some today too! Great minds…

Jake and Stephanie Perrin

MMMM Yummy!


Man you make it sound so easy! I will try it today if I can find some yeast…

Great yummy tradition!

Kristina P.

I LOVE cinammon rolls, but I hate making anything I have to roll out! I’m weird like that.


I was thinking about making cinnamon rolls for tomorrow, but then I realized hubby would be sleeping for the first session at least, (recovering from night shift) and that would leave me alone with them. Maybe I’ll make something more like breakfast casserole or something that I don’t really like.


mine will get made tomorrow.
Huh, if I do cream cheese frosting that’s TOTALLY a protein. 🙂


LOL at Hilary’s protein… we do these for conferences and Christmas morning… my hubby does them, he loves bread baking, and I can’t wait! they are to die for!!! he uses our crossant recipe though… need to compare yours.

FlipFlop Mom


Just SO

We have cinnamon rolls here too. But they are made by Grandma Rhodes and are bake and serve. I should really try homemade but I love the ease of bake and serve.


yum! I’m making monkey bread tonight!


That’s such a fun tradition! Those sound delicious. I just may have to try them 🙂


Oh yum! I love my Mom's, but there is just so many steps…The pillsbury from the can are pretty good. They have cinnabon frosting.

I could never make them & not eat them though.

From My Eyes

Really I don’t care how you made them, I am just glad I got to eat them. Thank you much.


I was going to do the same thing. I bought everything for them yesterday, but after a long day, I don’t think it’s gonna happen. Eat one for my family, k?


We do this too. I didn’t know so many people had conference cinnamon rolls!


quite honestly, i think cinnamon rolls always smell better than they taste.

i’ll have to make some, just to add the fragrance to my house. 🙂

That Girl

It’s tradish in my house, too.

But I’m up for new recipes …


I had to ignore this post. Too much good stuff and as you know, I’ve regressed in the weight department. Bleh. And Chris’s tradition of Buttermilk Bars and Donuts at General Conference don’t help either!


I made Cinnamon rolls for General Conference, too! We had our ward choir over to our house to rehearse after the last session, since next week is Easter, and we REALLY needed the rehearsal. I also didn’t eat any, but they sure smelled good!


Oh my goodness, I got too overwhelmed with all those bowls!!! This has confirmed to me that my desire to eat cinnamon rolls far outweighs my ability to make them. Oh well. 🙂 You’ve impressed me.

Kristin, Scott, Emily and Eric

I have a recipe for really yummy cinnamon rolls that takes ONE HOUR from START to FINISH! Would you like a copy of it?

Kristin, Scott, Emily and Eric

Now to find it… 🙂