Obedience Makes Us Strong: General Conference Printables

While watching General Conference last weekend, I noticed a few distinct themes that were things I personally needed to hear. The first of those themes was Obedience.

I loved Elder Hales’ and Elder Perry’s talks on Obedience.

Elder Hales: If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments focused on following the Savior’s example in obedience, using our agency to choose and letting the consequences follow, and how obedience can make us stronger and more able to deal with the tests and trials we will endure in our lives.

Obedience makes us stronger: Robert D. Hales

Elder Perry: Obedience Through Our Faithfulness used horses to teach the principle of obedience. He taught that “an obedient horse which is part of a well-trained team of horses needs little more than a gentle tug from the driver to do exactly what he wants it to do. This gentle tug is equivalent to the still, small voice with which the Lord speaks to us. Out of respect for our agency, it is never a strong, forceful tug.” I loved this idea so much.

We must teach our spirit and body to work together in obedience: L. Tom Perry

He also taught that obedience does not equate to weakness, but is in fact a strength. It is the way in which we declare our faithfulness to God.

Obedience is anything but weak or passive: L. Tom Perry

I’m going to try to do a post each week of my favorites from General Conference. Like I said, there were a couple other distinct themes that really stuck out to me.

To download any of these printables, click through to Flickr.

Other LDS-themed Printables:

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Thanks, Laura! I am hoping for spring…maybe bright colors will help it along. 😉


These are great principles to live by.. love your printables… Cathy