31 Days to a Happier Home

I’ve been thinking an awful lot lately about how I can make my home happier. Not that it’s necessarily unhappy, it’s just that it could be happier. Little things like idleness (ahem, electronics), snapping at each other, disobedience, and not enough time spent together as a family make us all a little grumpy.

And you know what they say:

“If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy!”

They also say:

“Happy wife, happy life!”

And, in all seriousness, I believe that the most important thing that they say is:

“The mother sets the tone of the home.”

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the fact that it’s up to me to make sure my home is happier. I mean, I can easily blame the kids or my husband or the clutter or my lack of time or PMS or the kids’ busy schedules or a million other things. But when it comes right down to it, if I want it all to change, the change begins with me. The mom.

Last year, I did my first 31 day series on the blog (31 Days to Less Clutter and More Peace) and it changed my life. I have a new appreciation for the ways that clutter makes us unhappy. I also know that getting rid of clutter is one of the more freeing things a person can do. The time and energy spent managing all of our stuff is simply not worth it.

Before school started, I finally got around to doing the biggest decluttering job I had on the list—one I wasn’t able to get to last October. I finally decluttered my craft and scrapbooking supplies. It was hard, but it felt so good! And my office has actually, finally, stayed clean. I am more productive in here now. That alone is worth the loss of any beloved patterned paper or pretty embellishments.

Because that series changed my life, I am going to do another 31 day series this month. This time I am going to study in depth the ways that I can make my home be happier. Each day I will focus on something that I as the mother can do to up the happiness quotient over here. I will link each day’s thoughts and experiences on this page.

I hope that you’ll follow along and join me in the challenge to make your home a little bit happier, too! By the end of the month I want you (and me!) to be able to say that you have a happier home, happier kids, a happier husband, and a happier YOU!

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