Free Printable: 40 Conversation Starters For Kids
Looking for new and fun ways to engage with your kids? Try these fun conversation starters!
I don’t know about you, but we spend an awful lot of time in our car. As soon as the kids get home from school we are jumping in the car to go to dance and music lessons, cross country practices and meets, and all kinds of other things. The older they get, the busier they get, and short of forbidding them to be well-rounded, I can’t do much about it.
Usually, the girls are turning on the radio to their favorite Top 40 station before I’ve even put the car into gear. And while sometimes we’re all happier just rocking out to some Uptown Funk or whatever else is popular at the moment, I wish the radio weren’t on so darn much.

It’s hard to find time to talk to my kids.
When they’re home, they’re busy. And when they’re not home, well, they’re not home! Sometimes those moments in the car driving them to their various activities is the only real time I have to check in with them and see how they are doing. And once we’re finished with the “How was your day today?” and “What did you do at school?” sorts of topics, we’re done.
I want more.
Top 40 questions to start conversations with your kids.
Here is a list of 40 questions that can start a conversation with your kids while driving. I figure that they can’t run away from it—when they are in the car, they are a captive audience. Belted in and everything! (Cue evil mom laugh here.) Of course, these will also work during dinner, family night, or any other time you want to use them.
I choose one thing off the list for every chauffeuring run I make during the day. Some things are silly, some things are a little more deep, but all of them should at least start a good conversation that lasts more than a couple minutes.
Hopefully, they’ll kick start much longer conversations!
I’m excited to learn more about my children!
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This post is part of the 31 Days to a Happier Home series.
To see all the posts in this series, click here: 31 Days to a Happier Home
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