50 Ways to Say “I Love You” to Your Children

Saying “I love you” isn’t the only way to tell your kids you love them. These 50 ideas will help you show love to your kids in new and creative ways!

As parents we do thousands of things that tell our children we love them. Here are just 50 ways we show our children how much we love them. #overstuffedlife

At our house, we say “I love you” many times each day. In fact, we say it so much that sometimes it becomes a rote thing, though I’ll never complain about that.

My teenager can be totally angry with me one minute, but the next minute she will say “Good night, Mom, I love you.” She’s made it a habit to say “I love you” when she leaves for school, goes to bed, or when I drop her off somewhere.

Saying “I love you” to your children should be a habit.

I am happy that these three words have become a habit in our home. But saying “I love you” doesn’t have to be just saying “I love you.” There are thousands of ways you can tell your kids you love them without saying a word.

My husband and I sat down together and came up with a list of ways we tell our children we love them. We got to 50, but I’ve already thought of a few more, because pretty much everything we do as parents is about loving our kids.

50 Ways to Say “I Love You” to your kids

1. Make their favorite meal.

2. Kiss them

3. Laugh at their jokes.

4. Listen to them.

5. Go to their sporting events and cheer loudly for them.

6. Teach them the Gospel.

7. Tickle them.

8. Watch their favorite movie/TV show with them.

9. Ask forgiveness.

10. Teach them to work hard.

11. Make them wear socks.

12. Wipe their tears.

13. Discipline them.

14. Help them with their homework.

15. Make sure they get enough sleep.

16. Make cookies with them.

17. Read great books to them.

18. Go to their concerts.

19. Take them on special dates.

20. Tell them stories.

21. Pray with them.

22. Help in their classroom at school.

23. Make a big deal on their birthday.

24. Help them learn to set goals.

25. Love your spouse.

26. Teach them to serve others.

27. Play with them.

28. Take them camping.

29. Teach them to spend their money wisely.

30. Have a secret handshake.

31. Build a fort with them.

32. Compliment them often, and mean it.

33. Always tell them the truth.

34. Challenge them to be better.

35. Reward them for a job well done.

36. Give them special nicknames.

37. Go on walks together.

38. Make them brush their teeth.

39. Love the Lord.

40. Leave them love notes in their lunchboxes.

41. Be patient with them.

42. Teach them to make their beds perfectly.

43. Help them to recognize good friends.

44. Kiss their owies, no matter how old they are.

45. Have family traditions.

46. Put down your phone.

47. Be Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy.

48. Make them take showers.

49. Follow through.

50. Just say I love you, and say it often. 


How do you tell your children you love them?

This post is part of my 31 Days to a Happier Home series. 

To see all the posts in this series, click here: 31 Days to a Happier Home

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