The Best Christmas Gift: Free Christmas Printable

In my effort to scale back this Christmas, I’m scaling back so much that I’ve hardly done any shopping!  Of course, that might be due to the large amounts of snow that have been falling from the heavens for two weeks straight.  

Two. Weeks. Straight.  

I actually ran to the grocery store tonight for the first time in a couple of weeks (My husband did the grocery shopping last week because he loves me so much he won’t let me drive in blizzards)(I appreciate this about him)(I don’t let me drive in blizzards, either).

Want to know how to make your Christmas tree lights look like that in photos?  Click here for the tutorial.

It also might be due to the fact that we have had absolutely insane schedules this December. We’ve already gone to three concerts this week, and we couldn’t NOT go, because people who live in our house were actually participating in these concerts. And guess what?  There are two more before Saturday. Yes, we willingly drive through blizzards to play violin and sing in choirs but not to grocery shop. Priorities, you know.

And, speaking of priorities, one of my friends sent me this quote and I just loved it. Especially in light of our trying to scale back on the presents this year. I want my children to look back on their childhood Christmases and remember how much we love each other, and how much we just love being together. I want them to know that it doesn’t really matter how many gifts or which gifts are underneath the tree—just that family was there sharing time together.

So, I made a printable to share.

The best gift around the christmas tree is the presence of family wrapped in love free Christmas printable
Click the picture to download from Flickr.  Image will print at 8×10.

This is one gift I know I can come through with this year. Lots and lots of love. In fact, I have been a stickler this year about reading a Christmas story together each and every night by the Christmas tree. It has meant a few pretty late nights for the girls, but it’s been so worth it to just have that extra boost of the Christmas spirit in our home.

And yet, I’d still better brave the weather this weekend and get some shopping done.  Or at least sit at my desk and do some clicking!

Only two weeks to go!

More holiday printables:

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