The blue palette of Glacier Bay

The ship arrived in Glacier Bay around lunchtime on Tuesday and slowly made its way around the five different glaciers located there. I wish I could remember their names, but they were all magnificent! Especially the last two.

We were extremely lucky to have such a clear day there. Apparently, it’s usually foggy, but we had an absolutely gorgeous day. I still had to wear a hat and jacket when we were near the glaciers because the glacial winds were quite chilly, but it was still much warmer than expected.

We saw a Grizzly bear and her cub through the binoculars. No pictures, because even through the binoculars it looked about the size of a hamster. But it was still very cool to see.

And there were seagulls everywhere. They really loved to fly right near the ship, even as high up as the 9th deck where we were watching with our binoculars. Everything you could see was blue or white and so the seagulls just seemed to fit right in with the landscape.

The coolest thing about the glaciers was seeing them calve, which means that chunks of ice would break off and fall into the water. They always made a huge explosive sound and a gigantic splash. It was a literally awesome sight.

I took almost a full gigabyte of photos in Glacier Bay, so here are a few of my favorites. Enjoy!



Grand Pacific Glacier

Glacier Bay, Alaska


Glacier Bay, Alaska

Blue Glacier

Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier Bay, Alaska

Glacier Bay, Alaska


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Wow! Those are some incredible photos! Looks like a wonderful vacation.


WOW!!!! It sounds like you had a great day.

Jake and Stephanie Perrin

BEAUTIFUL!!! I love the crisp green water!!!


I love it all. I have to get one of those groovy hats like yours. I will not look near as cute as you though. Bummer.

Life in the circus

WOW Lara, you always amaze me with your wonderful photography. Your work is so great! I'm glad you had such a good time on your trip. I hope to take a cruise one day 🙂


WOW!! The pictures are GORGEOUS!!


Wow. Just wow. (And you look like Bria in the hat picture. Or should I say she looks like you?)


OK, the more I read, the jealous I get. The sights of the Glacier Bay sound awesome. I wanna go now!!

Annette Lyon

Gorgeous–wow. I wanna go!


I can see why they're your faves. Spectacular pictures! Love the horizon views. I was telling Mr. Man how I'm now convinced about cruises and we should start seeking out pennies everywhere to save up. LOL

Southwest Airlines update them on deals for vacay travels, so we'll see where we'll be after next year. Gotta grab a house first you know… 😉


Gaa! I am so jealous!

Kristina P.

Wow, these are amazing!


gorgeous pictures, I love them!


WOW!! Those pictures are amazing, I know they had to have been even better in real life!


These photos are GORGEOUS.


Brings back memories! Beautiful photos. Nice pants, Joel. 🙂


Cool pictures!


Those are better than postcard worthy. And I love the new profile pic!


Those are amazing pictures!


Now the Hubs and I must go on an Alaskan cruise…overwhelming beauty in the photos !


How do you stamp your photos with your logo "photography by Lara" ?

Melanie Jacobson

Awesome photos. It looks just like I remember it. My favorite photo we took there was of a piece of ice shaped exactly like a duck. It was the weirdest thing.


Great pictures!!!! I would love to go to Alaska.


I've been fortunate to see a lot of really cool stuff in my lifetime, and I can honestly say Glacier Bay is right up there in the top five. Oh, how I adore Alaska!! What the hello aunt nellie am I doing in VEGAS??


beautiful pictures! I love how you were able to capture the seagull in midair. (the landscapes were beautiful, too.)



The pictures are gorgeous. I especially love the seagulls.


Abso-tively, posi-lutely amazing photos. Seriously. They're beautiful images, and you should be so proud! You have a great eye for composition! Can't wait to see more.


How did you and your hubby not melt all that ice? You guys are hotties!

L. Neusiedler

you are indeed an artist! superb photos!


Those are AMAZING. I love the bird shots. Holy Hannah. I just wrote a load of articles about cruises and between those and your pictures I really NEED to go on one.