And, I Believe in Matching Easter Dresses

I Believe in pink.


I Believe that laughing is the best calorie burner.

Burning calories

I Believe in kissing.  Kissing a lot.


I Believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong.


I Believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls.

Happy Girls

I Believe  that tomorrow is another day.

Looking towards tomorrow

and I Believe in miracles.

My Miracles

{Audrey Hepburn}

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I hate admitting I was a tiny bit annoyed when I found out that General Conference falls on Easter Weekend. It didn't stop my from buying Easter dresses….love your post! And your girls are darling! Did you stick with Children's place again?


Well said!!! love it!!


I too believe! And I totally belive that The Childrens Place makes it so easy! Love it! They look adorable! (wait till you see Laels dress!)


My sister and I always had matching dresses for Easter- it was our favorite part. I love picking the dresses for my girls now, it's such a fun part of being the mom!


Awesome! A favorite quote – combined with incredible photos. You gave me a smile this morning. 🙂

The girls look beautiful. Happy Easter!


Love that quote … such a sweet bunch of girls! I have moved to believing in "coordinating" … now that I have boys!!!

Wonder Woman


Those outfits are about the cutest thing I have ever seen. To die for. Absolutely in LOVE with them. And your daughters are beautiful.

Just SO

They are adorable!! *sigh* My daughters are 5 years apart and my oldest does not want to match her younger sister while the youngest DOES want to match her older sister. It's a difficult place to be.


So cute!! It's just not as fun when there aren't sisters to match up. Even the shoes! Where did you find such grown-up style shoes for such little girls? Love the whole thing.


Awh, love those!


I thought you weren't going to do the pictures for awhile (Sophie doesn't look bad though-are the stitches by her mouth?).

The girls look so cute.


I love it! I believe all those things too!


They are adorable(the dresses AND the girls)! I wish I had 2 daughters. I have two sons and one daughter, and it's hard to find things for the boys to match(especially now that my older boy has moved to the boys' sizes instead of the toddlers' sizes).

Braden Bell

Tieing Audrey Hepburn's lovely words to those pictures was brilliant. That was a great post and what a family treasure that will be.


so. stinkin'. cute.

I want me some granddaughters.


Love the dresses and the photos. So cute!

Loralee and the gang...

They are super adorable! (the girls AND the dresses!)


Love, Love Love it! The dresses, the shoes, the girls… did I mention the shoes? 🙂 Gorgeous girls! Where did you find it all?


This is SOOOO great! The quote, the dresses, the pictures….just stunning.

Annette Lyon

Gorgeous girls, awesome sentiments.


looking at picture of Bria and Chloe separately, I never realized how much the look alike until seeing them right next to each other in these pics!

i LOVE the pink and black combo. Those skirts are ADORABLE!


Beautiful pics!

Happy Easter to you & your beautiful family, Lara.


These girls are too cute!!! Love there outfits!

Explore & Grow

So sweet!


love these dresses and pics. i was soo bummed that i didn't get to dress my babies up for easter. i guess i could have but i didn't since we were just staying home. i just became a follower – even though i know we are suppose to be a leader, not a follower. but i can't help it. i feel like i'm at an aa meeting: hi, i'm rachelle. and i am one of your blog stalkers. haha. nice to "meet" you!

L.T. Elliot

Beautiful quote, beautiful girls, beautiful you.


Beautiful dresses, beautiful smiles, beautiful girls.


Gorgeous dresses and even prettier girlz!