Author: Lara Neves

Gluten-free Made Easy Cookbook Review + GF Apple Cinnamon Streusel Muffins

Gluten-free Made Easy Cookbook Review + GF Apple Cinnamon Streusel Muffins

I’m excited to be reviewing another gluten-free cookbook today: Gluten-Free Made Easy by Christi Silbaugh and Michele Vilseck. It is chock full of delicious-looking recipes, as well as tips and tricks to make converting your kitchen to gluten-free much easier. I’m always looking for good gluten-free muffins to put in the girls’ school lunches, and…

9/11 Memorial in NYC

9/11 Memorial in NYC

In honor of the 13th anniversary of September 11, 2001, I thought I would share some of the photos I took when my husband and I visited the memorial in New York City. The museum didn’t open until the end of May, so we missed that, but the memorial itself was absolutely stunning. It had…

Tuna Carrot Bites

Tuna Carrot Bites

Yesterday was our first day back to school. Here’s a sneak peek of my girls before they left for the day. Aren’t they just adorable? And too grown-up. When school starts, it’s time for me to start thinking about what to set out for “after day school snacks.” (That’s what my then 6-year-old always called…

Dark Hope: A Book Review

Dark Hope: A Book Review

Dark Hope by Monica McGurk is the first book in a new trilogy entitled The Archangel Prophecies. It is a young adult novel with a fantastic twist. Instead of the typical vampires, this book has angels. I really enjoyed it. I felt that Hope is a strong female character–one that I wouldn’t mind my own…

Front Door Makeover

Front Door Makeover

The problem with living in a very old house is that the list of improvement projects is never ending. Well, this front door project has been on my list forEVER! We’ve now lived in our house for five years. It was built circa 1908, so it’s already seen many a tough winter, and we did…