Author: Lara Neves

The Book of Jer3miah

The Book of Jer3miah

This is not technically a book review, but since the series is called “The BOOK of Jeremiah” I’m going to just call it that anyway. Besides, it’s extremely unlikely that I will ever review a DVD again, so why go to the trouble to create a new category? Just before we left on the Epic Vacation,…

Eating in the Badlands

Eating in the Badlands

Our Epic Vacation: Day 2 (part 2) As a reminder, we spent the (very hot) morning touring the Ingalls Homestead in DeSmet, South Dakota, where my two younger daughters both got to try their hand at driving a covered wagon. Then we were on the road again. I like to take pictures of my feet…



I had my birthday a couple weeks ago. My gift to myself this year is simply the permission to say “no.”  I am a yes-woman, through and through. When I am asked to do something, just the thought of saying no gives me the shakes. I am not sure where this anxiety comes from, but I can…

Cross Country Road Tripping

Cross Country Road Tripping

Our Epic Vacation: Day 1 The day started bright and early.  We had packed the car the night before (and believe me, packing for 26 days that include camping, cruising, and staying with family is no easy task), dropped off the puppy at a friend’s house (you’ve never seen sadder girls), and were ready to…

The Kindling

The Kindling

Book review of The Kindling by Braden Bell—First book in the Middle School Magic Trilogy. Full disclosure:  I don’t normally think of fantasy as a genre I enjoy reading.  Of course I loved Harry Potter, but in general, fantasy isn’t my first thought when I want to pick up something to read. So, when Braden asked…

Scales before Screens

Scales before Screens

So, here’s the scoop on electronics and practicing… I hate, HATE, hate (and yes, I am aware that hate is a strong word) the way my children are so easily drawn into screens. Their eyes glaze over, their ears stop working, and they turn into little zombies while watching a movie or playing on the…