Author: Lara Neves

Not a Mommy Blogger Anymore

Not a Mommy Blogger Anymore

Yesterday, my youngest and I were out shopping when she told me that the shoes she was wearing hurt her feet. “Are they too small?” I asked. “No. They just pinch my toes. But I can handle it. I’m a big girl!” And then it hit me—I am not a mom of littles anymore. And as far as blogging…

Dona Nobis Pacem

Dona Nobis Pacem

Grant us peace. When Ralph Vaughan Williams wrote the cantata back in 1936, he had no idea the profound impact it would have on the soprano soloist in a small town in Upper Michigan some 75 years later. I look like a dork, but I promised my mom a picture of my dress, and things…

Black & Blue January

Black & Blue January

The world really is black and white in winter here.  As proof, this picture is in color.  The sky is usually white, the ground is white, and nearly everything else is black or grey.  My red car almost seems out of place, like a colorized element in a black & white photograph. The spring is…

Between Interruptions

Between Interruptions

I remember being close to delivering Bria, my first child.  I couldn’t wait to not be pregnant anymore, as I’d had enough of that, but to actually have to take care of a real live baby?  That scared me enough to think that maybe being eternally pregnant might not be so bad. Of course, she…

Playroom Redo

Playroom Redo

When I first walked through this house while on my house-hunting trip, I was a little puzzled by the gigantic, low-ceilinged room upstairs. It was billed as a bedroom, and I suppose it could be used as one, but it was not your normal bedroom. However, I knew that it would make a perfect playroom…