Author: Lara Neves

The Entitlement Trap

The Entitlement Trap

I’ve been seeing quite a lot of hype about this book, so I was excited when I was asked to review it. I have devoured it. Devoured. And I am excited to implement the principles I’ve learned in my own household. In the introduction, The Eyres explain how entitlement is the “one reason parenting is…

Family Rule Book

Family Rule Book

This week, we introduced the Family Rule Book, which is part of my Project Walking Into a Hug. It took nearly two hours, but together we came up with about 30 family rules and their attached consequences. At first, the girls seemed to think that things like “not spitting on people” and “don’t slam doors”…

Chicago: American Girl Place

Chicago: American Girl Place

An overview of what a visit to American Girl Place in Chicago might include My girls are obsessed with American Girl.  Totally obsessed. Before our trip to Chicago, they combed the catalogs, trying to decide what they would buy when we arrived at The American Girl Place, where all of their dreams would come true.  On…

Road Trippin’

Road Trippin’

We just arrived home last night from spending a week in Chicago. We’re completely exhausted, but only because we had a ton of fun and did as much as we could possibly cram in for the week. I took hundreds of photos and we made millions of memories. Hopefully, I’ll get a chance to go through all…

On Habits and Hope

On Habits and Hope

One of the most difficult parts to learn in the opera I just finished was a scene that incorporated “Shall We Gather at the River” with a Finnish Lutheran Hymn. In that scene, I was assigned to be a Methodist, and so I sang “Shall We Gather at the River” which is a hymn I’ve song…

My Secret Life

My Secret Life

A few weeks ago I sang an opera aria (Vissi d’Arte from Tosca) at a funeral.  After the service, one of my neighbors came up to me and said, “Who knew that the woman who runs up the hill to the bus stop in her pajamas every morning could sing like that!”  After I overcame…