Author: Lara Neves

A Very Scary Birthday Party

A Very Scary Birthday Party

One of my goals in 2010 was to become a better birthday party mom. I have always been the type of mom who throws things together at the last minute, and my children’s birthday parties were never planned out very well. I’d send out invitations according to whatever theme my child chose, then on the…

Homemade Vampiress Costume

Homemade Vampiress Costume

I am finally posting the vampiress Halloween costume that I made for my ten-year-old daughter. The one that took about 16 yards of fabric to make and probably weighs 10 pounds. Poor girl had to play her violin wearing the thing for the Halloween recital (and might I add that she played splendidly?). I will…

Naked in Eden by Robin Easton

Naked in Eden by Robin Easton

When TLC Book Tours first contacted me about this particular book, I wasn’t really sure what I would think of it.  It definitely sounded intriguing—a woman living in the Australian rain forest for over a year with her husband? I wanted to know just what on earth would possess someone to do something so crazy…

How to Go Letterboxing

How to Go Letterboxing

Letterboxing is a super fun scavenger hunt game that will get you and your kids outside and enjoying nature Several people have asked what letterboxing is, and so I’m finally getting around to answering that question. Letterboxing is basically a scavenger hunt. It is similar to geocaching in that you are going on a treasure…

What We Have by Amy Boesky

What We Have by Amy Boesky

Cancer. It’s an ugly word, and an even uglier reality. Nobody likes to think about it, but for some people, like Amy Boesky, it is never far from their thoughts. Amy, her two sisters, her mother, her aunt, her grandmother—all of the female members of her family lived in fear of cancer, and with good…

Fit for a Princess

Fit for a Princess

We have been neck-deep in home improvement projects for the last month or so. After the opera was over, I was bound and determined to finish my dining room. And then once that was done, the momentum pushed me forward to do my youngest’s room. I can’t tell you how wonderful it feels to have…