Easy Lunchbox Ideas for Kids

While I always have great intentions of making and freezing healthy food for my kids’ lunch boxes, it doesn’t always happen. Sometimes life just gets crazy, and making fancy lunches gets put on the back burner. During those times (that seem to happen more and more the older my kids get), I need lunchbox ideas that are super quick and that my kids will like.

I recently received a box full of just those sorts of items and my kids and I were really excited to try them all out.

Looking for easy lunchbox ideas? Try these quick and tasty ideas in your kids' lunchboxes this school year.

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Easy Lunchbox Ideas for Kids

1. Green Giant Broccoli Veggie Tots

I was super excited to see these included.  These veggie tots—filled with broccoli—are a great way for my kids to get more greens into their diet while eating something they already love. They aren’t just made with broccoli, they have actual broccoli pieces filling the tot and they taste so great! My two older girls loved them.

Broccoli Veggie Tots are a great option for your veggie swap ins. If your kid loves tater tots, they will love these, too!

I wasn’t sure if they would go for the idea—my kids are a little too old for me to be sneaky about the fact that these were not regular tater tots—but they really loved them!

Find out more about Veggie Tots at GreenGiant.com

2. PBJamwich

Sometimes the worst part of making lunches is just getting a sandwich made. I know my kids often throw in everything else and don’t take a sandwich because they don’t have time. The PBJamwich is crustless (super important for some kids) and comes in both strawberry and grape jelly flavors.

Crustless PBJamwich --great east lunchbox idea!

These are excellent to have on hand for crazy mornings when making a sandwich is completely out of the question. They freeze well, too.

Find out more about PBJamwich on their Facebook Page

3. Sensible Portions Garden Veggie Straws

We were happy to see Veggie Straws in our box as they were already a family favorite. Last year, I discovered the lunch-sized multipacks and we bought them all the time for an easy lunchbox snack.

Healthy and easy lunchbox idea for kids--veggie straws.

I like them because they are a healthier option to other chips. The kids like them because they taste good—the multipacks come in both sea salt and zesty ranch flavors and they love both kinds. My youngest daughter especially likes them because they are gluten-free! These are a win all around at our house!

Find out more about Veggie Straws at SensiblePortions.com

4. RX Bar

I wasn’t sure what to think about these when I saw them, but after I read their ingredients I was thrilled about them. Since my youngest and I are both gluten-free, there aren’t a ton of options for protein bars out there for the two of us. It’s nice to know that these exist as another option.

Heatlhy lunchbox idea for kids—RX Bars. They are gluten-free, dairy-free,soy-free, and have no added sugars.

RX Bars are made with clean and simple ingredients, listed right on the front of their packaging. There are no added sugars, either, and they come in a variety of flavors like chocolate chip, peanut butter, blueberry, and raspberry. I think they are a perfect lunchbox item for active kids who need that extra boost of protein at lunch time!

My kids liked them, too. My middle daughter especially loved these.

Find more information about RX Bars at rxbar.com

5. Fruit Shoot 

I don’t often put drinks in my kids’ lunchboxes, but I think it’s nice for them to have that kind of a treat occasionally. If I do put a drink in their lunchbox, I want to be sure it’s not full of high fructose corn syrup and that it’s made with real fruit juice.

Fruit shoot--best choice drink for your kids' lunchbox!

Fruit Shoot is a perfect option. We tried the fruit punch flavor and my youngest deemed it yummy. It does not contain HFCS or artificial flavors and it is made with real fruit juice from concentrate.

Find out more about Fruit Shoot at FruitShoot.com

6. Little Bites Chocolate Chip Muffins

It’s nice for the kids to have some sort of baked snacks in their lunches, but again, I always want to avoid certain ingredients. While the Little Bites Muffins do contain gluten, they do not have trans fats or HFCS in them, so I feel good about giving them to my kids.

Easy lunchbox idea for kids--little bites muffins in individual packages

My oldest liked these a lot and looks forward to having this little treat in her lunchbox this school year.

Find out more about Little Bites Muffins and see their other flavors at LittleBites.com

7. Sour Punch Real Rainbow Straws

I do allow my kids to pack candy in their lunchbox on occasion. It’s hard to make candy “healthy” but we do try to avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup especially.

Sour punch real rainbow straws. No HFCS.

Sour Punch has recently updated their Rainbow Straws to be Real Rainbow Straws which means that they now have natural colors and flavors and NO HCFS. My girls really loved the sour flavors and they especially liked the green apple flavor.

Note: They are made with wheat flour, so they are not gluten-free

Find out more about the Real Rainbow Straws at SourPunch.com

All of these lunchbox ideas are quick and easy—important for busy moms!

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