Homemade Vampiress Costume

I am finally posting the vampiress Halloween costume that I made for my ten-year-old daughter. The one that took about 16 yards of fabric to make and probably weighs 10 pounds. Poor girl had to play her violin wearing the thing for the Halloween recital (and might I add that she played splendidly?). I will say that this costume has already been worn enough to make it very worth the time and effort: Violin recital, school parade, Trick or Treating downtown, her Halloween-themed Birthday Party today, and Trick or Treating at the university dorms. And it isn’t even Halloween yet!!!

Here she is, in all of her vampirical splendor.

As well as all of her sleeves (and all of her teeth).

Just don’t pay too much attention to the fact that it doesn’t fit her incredibly well.  I just didn’t have the time to make it work just right. And there’s that perfection problem I’ve been working on and all. But, still, we love it—imperfections and all.

And this is my very favorite picture from Trick or Treating downtown last night.  I just love her tennis shoes peeking out, and her gloves, and the graffiti, and her attitude.

Oh, and the costume, too.  I love that the most.

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