Make Christmas Gorgeous with Minted Holiday Cards

One of my very favorite things to do at Christmas is send out cards to all of the people I love. Obviously to family members who live all over the country—mostly very far away from us, but to many, many friends as well. My husband and I have lived in four different cities in three different states over the course of our marriage, and that means a lot of dear friends that no longer live anywhere near us.

One of my other favorite things to do at Christmas time is to receive Christmas cards and letters from all of the people I love! I love to see the photos of my college roommates and their beautiful families. I love to read of all the adventures my cousins and nieces and nephews are having. And I love to admire all of the beautiful cards—I hang them all up and enjoy them for as long as I can.

Honestly, I so appreciate that people are still sending cards. I recognize it can be expensive. I send 100 cards out every single year, and I have to fit that expense into our Christmas budget. But it’s so important to me to connect with my loved ones in a more meaningful way–they are worth much more than an email to me. And I am thankful for every single card I receive, because I know someone put their time, effort, and dollars into sending it to us.

My favorite card designs almost always come from the same company: Minted. So when they contacted me and asked if I would review some of their holiday card designs, I jumped at the chance! The only problem was picking favorites because I love their entire line so much!

But I did pick some favorites, and here they are (Note, these designs are from a previous year and many might not be available—be sure to head over to Minted and see the gorgeous designs that are available now):

Holiday Map

I thought this idea was wonderful and unique. And don’t worry if this photo covers up your place of residence, there are several different versions, and you can move the star to reflect your own city. One of the greatest things about Minted’s cards is their high level of personalization. Each card offers several different color schemes and shape choices, and you are able to change the greeting from Christmas to Holiday to New Year if you want to. I love that.

Calm-ish + Bright and Wreck the Halls

I thought both of these cards were absolutely charming and so perfect for families with young children! Especially if getting the “perfect” holiday photo just didn’t happen this year (and honestly? When does it ever happen?). What a fun way to celebrate this time in life.

Cherry Merry, Holiday Revelry, and Aglow

Some of my favorite cards from Minted are the ones where the photo takes up the entire card. All of the text overlays are beautifully designed, and if you have the right photo, it is absolutely stunning. It was really hard to only choose one, so I chose three that I really love.

Complete Tree, Sprinkles of Cheer, and Wrapped Up

If you are a person who wants to fit several family photos onto your Christmas cards, Minted also offers a wide variety of beautiful collages. I love the complete tree one because it is so unique, but I admit that I am a sucker for straight lines and clean and simple design, so the other two are very appealing to me as well.

If you’re not sure which card you want to purchase, you can upload your photo and play around with all of the personalization options to see how it looks before you buy. Since I haven’t done our holiday photos yet this year, I uploaded last year’s Christmas photo into one of the card designs to play with the personalization tool. I love that you can really personalize it to be exactly what YOU want.

Here is what last year’s photo looks like using the Brilliant Holiday design:

It’s almost like the card was designed for my photo! I am getting so excited for Christmas cards now—aren’t you?

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Marlys Folly

I love making my own cards and this looks like a great place to do it. Thanks for sharing.

Hilda Rodgers

Books are my nemesis too Lara! Both my hubby and I love to read and value giving books as gifts to our kids too. They're getting better at purging books they're no longer reading and my hubby and I are not buying each other as many books anymore because we read more from the library or electronically. But we still need to let go of some of our books. Thanks for the kick in the pants 🙂


it is the perfect marriage of beautiful graphic design and being allowed to personalize it all for your own needs.

Geri Givens Taylor

You caught me!
I cleaned out the baby books years ago, but I still hanging on to too many YA books that they'll never read.
Many of the children's books I keep because of the illustrating, especially award winning illustrators.
My biggest problem…which really ridiculous…I like to save certain books just because I like the cover.


As a book lover, this one is the hardest part for me. But, I think if you really love the book (or the illustrations!), you should keep them. But do get rid of the ones you know won't be read that you don't love. 🙂