May 2017 Visiting Teaching Handout

Picking a quote from the April 2017 General Conference to take to my sisters for May visiting teaching is the hardest thing for me. There are so many wonderful talks and so many great lessons I personally learned from Conference that it’s really hard to choose!

This month, I settled on Elder Holland’s talk, “Songs Sung and Unsung.” As many of you know, I am a singer, so this talk really spoke my language. On top of using a metaphor that I could really relate to, I loved the beautiful message of being an important part of something larger than ourselves, of learning God’s will for us, and knowing that we each bring special and unique gifts to His work.

May 2017 visiting teaching printable handout | Quote from April 2017 General Conference Jeffrey R. Holland's talk "Songs Sung and Unsung." | God is determined to make of us more than we thought we could be

I think sometimes I forget how much God has in store for me—that He has plans for the gifts and talents He has given me. That I don’t have to be perfect to start with, because He will take me as I am and mold me.

I particularly loved the quote:

“Come as you are,” a loving Father says to each of us, but He adds, “Don’t plan to stay as you are.” We smile and remember that God is determined to make of us more than we thought we could be.

Quote from April 2017 LDS General Conference by Jeffrey R. Holland, Songs Sung and Unsung

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