The Secrets of Gluten-free Baking

Today I am reviewing a new cookbook called The Secrets of Gluten-free Baking by Jillayne Clements. This is much more than a cookbook, though. The recipes don’t even start until Section 5, as the author carefully walks us through some very important basics of gluten-free baking.

I was especially thrilled that this is not just another GF cookbook full of gluten substitutes that are the equivalent of eating refined sugar. I appreciated that she takes the time to explain how to sprout and sour grains in order to get the most nutrition out of them. I read this book in total awe. I am excited to begin using the skills in my own gluten-free baking, because I fear that we have not made our eating any healthier in our house by going gluten-free. We are healthier simply because the three of us who can no longer eat gluten feel better, but I know we could feel even better and be even healthier by following the principles outlined in this book.

Following are the 7 sections included in The Secrets of Gluten-free Baking:

1. Introduction

Here the author explains why she was forced to go gluten-free (Hashimoto’s, just like me!) and how this cookbook is about whole food gluten-free baking.

2. Secrets of Making Gluten-free Products That Taste Like Wheat

3. My Gluten-free Pantry

4.  The How-tos, Step by Step

Here the author explains about sprouting and souring grains, and making different types of flours and nut milks.

5. Recipes

6. Bonus Recipes and Bloopers

I really appreciated that she was willing to show what happened to her recipes when she didn’t do things just right. Pictures and everything!

Like I said before, I am excited to begin putting the principles in this book in practice in my own kitchen. I’m not a natural in the kitchen, so I’m sure I’ll have plenty of bloopers of my own, but I think it’s worth it for a much healthier gluten-free lifestyle.

You can purchase the book HERE.

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